JANUARY 2023 BUILDING CHALLENGES / MISSION OBJECTIVES. Happy New Year, The LEGO Blacktron Space Force! Last year saw enormous growth and once again we seem to be making progress in “spreading the word of Blacktron”. Our admin and moderator team as well as group experts have been recruiting members and posting all over Official LegoContinueContinue reading “JANUARY 2023 BUILDING CHALLENGES”


As we warned you, we’re going ALL IN FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Christmas, Hanukah, Something Something Holiday! You know the deal: #blacktronize_holidays! Run your Blacktron monorail around your Christmas tree, make Blacktron ornaments, and create holiday scenes with your Blacktron minifigs. Extra points for music video content. And for the love of all things holy, doContinueContinue reading “DECEMBER 2022 BUILDING CHALLENGES!”

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