
The Blacktron Space Force

On Mar 22, 2019, three dudes that only had their love for the old LEGO Blacktron Theme in common decided to gather together and change the face of the LEGO landscape on Facebook. The Heart of our group Νικολάι Εστάθιος, followed by the Soul of our group Rufus T. Falkenstein, alongside the Vison of our group, myself (Hugo Ferreira) transformed this dying facebook group called Blacktron War into something that only existed on our dreams, The Blacktron Space Force, a group, a community and hopefully one day a central command beacon of all remaining Blacktron activities that are scattered through the vast internet, but mostly a platform to reach LEGO Group to try to show that giant, that our childhood love theme still was alive on the hearts of many, just like us.
From the start we knew that we couldn’t do all things by ourselves, after all, we all have lives outside this hobby, so we summoned the help of the Hero Cameron Duffell, (our current Chief Moderator), alongside Patric Brickmann, the original Founder of the previous incarnation of the group. But with the demise of Patric from the group due to an undisclosed situation, and as we have grown more and more, the three of us soon realized that we couldn’t do this with a crew of 4, so we requested help from Paul Diedrich to help Cameron with the moderation services. As time went by, life interfered and Rufus had to take a leave of absence, and sometime after Cameron, Νικολάι, and I, had to make small absences due to life too. So a team of five was quickly reduced to a team of two or one from time to time, and things obviously got out of control.
And due to some complaints about the long waiting time for the approval of the members’ posts, Νικολάι quickly started searching for potential new candidates for the moderation team and was keeping me on par with most of the stuff that was happening, unfortunately, only a couple of days ago, I managed to propper review the candidates, and as soon as that was out of the way we contacted them to see if they would like the hard task of managing a group that currently has more than 1400K members from different parts of the globe! And with that in mind in the name of all the Blacktron High Command crew, I am proud to present, in no particular order, Andrew Latham, Dominique Wagner, and Jamie Isaac our new moderators!!!

This site is an unofficial resource for the Blacktron Themes by LEGO Group and was not produced, commissioned, or endorsed by the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, BLACKTRON, and BLACKTRON II are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2019-2022 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.

The High Council

Νικολάι Εστάθιος

Admin & the Heart of our group

Hugo Ferreira

Admin & the Vison of our group

Rufus T. Falkenstein

Admin & the Soul of our group

Cameron Duffell

Chief Moderator & the Hero of our group

Paul Diedrich


Dominique Wagner


Andrew Latham


Jamie Isaac


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