Go big or go home! We want to see your Blacktron base and the life support arrangements. Living areas, dining areas, recreation, etc. A Colony means everyone settled on your planet, moon asteroid, or whatever. It’s your base, your settlement. 

When posting, tell us about your #worldbuildingchallenge also.

We’re also going to use the calendars for each month. You will note that Thursdays are dedicated ‘Throw-back’ days to showcase old builds that you no longer have, older designs, and for some of you that were clever enough, your Blacktron collection from the 1980s and 1990s when first released.

Fridays are ‘Free For All’ AKA ‘Freedom Friday’ where anything goes. 

Please note the upcoming recruiting drive on March 6th, where we want to challenge members to bring in as many Blacktron builders as possible. Just make sure they answer the membership questions so we don’t get spammers!

At the bottom, you will see upcoming and enduring building challenges!

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